
Mark Jennings, Sheridan County

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Anti-Freedom Legislation

  • HB###- Link to bill text.

    BOLD TITLE - Wyoming United’s title that more accurately describes the bill’s impact.

    “quoted title” - Title given to the bill by anti-freedom legislators.

    • HB0137 COERCION OF MEDICAL DECISIONS "chemical abortions-ultrasound requirement"

    • HB0152 NEAR-TOTAL ABORTION BAN "life is a human right act"

    • SF0109 BANNING SAFE MEDICATION ABORTION "prohibiting chemical abortions"

    • HB0092 TRIGGER BAN "abortion prohibition-supreme court decision"

    • HB0149 FORCING WOMEN TO CARRY DOOMED PREGNANCIES TO TERM "human life equality-prohibiting discriminatory abortions"

    • HB0235 RESTRICTIONS ON HEALTHCARE ACCESS "human life protection act"

    • SF0034 MEDICAL DECISION INTERFERENCE "born alive infant-means of care"

    • HB0140 INTERFERING WITH INDIVIDUALS RIGHT TO MAKE PERSONAL HEALTHCARE DECISIONS "establishes a 48-hour abortion waiting period"

    • HB0103 MANDATORY REPORTING "reporting of abortions"


Rachel Rodriguez-Williams, Wyoming House District 50